Think twice before you publish that new course…

Adam Lyttle
2 min readOct 13, 2022

You’ve reached 10,000 followers on Twitter


What’s next?

For many people it seems now is the time to create a course on they reached 10,000 followers…

But there are so many these courses out there.

It’s simply oversaturated.

And, although there are outliers, generally these courses flop

So why do people keep making courses?

A lot of people seem to be making courses thinking they’ll make a quick dollar.

While others want to increase their reputation.

The problem is: Courses remove your best content, your best insights, and puts them on behind a pay wall…

This either hurts your future audience growth when you don’t share insights, or upsets paying for customers when do you do

So what’s the alternative?

It’s simple…

Keep doing what you’re doing

Release your knowledge for free as content on your social media feeds

Upload it to your blog to increase your search engine ranking

Put it on YouTube to increase your subscription count

Add it to Gumroad to get more people watching what you’re doing

Keep building your audience

All those tiny thoughts, bits of knowledge and insights are why people followed you in the first place.

Locking them behind a paywall is a sure way of losing followers, limiting your future audience and coming across as a sales person.

I hear you ask: But how can I make money from my followers?

There’s too many people going down the path of making a quick dollar..

Don’t be one of these people

Building an audience takes dedication, commitment and time

That’s what makes a large following so valuable

A large audience gives you:

  • Authority in your industry
  • Opens yourself up as being a guest speakers, blog writer, and more
  • Gives you a bigger platform to release your next project
  • Increases the number of people you can help



Adam Lyttle

Building a portfolio of apps in public // Quit my day job to create a better life